Hobbs Mark Wayne

Average Profitability
Insider Buys Quantity
Insider Buys Sum
Insider Sells Quantity
Insider Sells Sum

Insider Activity of Hobbs Mark Wayne

According to the SEC Form 4 filings, Hobbs Mark Wayne, being in a position of

  1. EVP, Chief Financial Officer at Delek US Holdings, Inc.,
    оver the last 12 months, has bought 2800 shares for $38,357, and sold 0 shares,
    over all time since 2025-03-11, has bought 2800 shares for $38,357, and sold 0 shares.

The largest purchase of all time was on 2025-03-11 and amounted to 2800 shares of Delek US Holdings, Inc. for $38,357.

Biography of Hobbs Mark Wayne

No biography is available at this moment.

Statistics of Insider Transactions Last Year

Amount of Insider Buys and Sells by Stocks


Comparison of Insiders on Amount of Buys and Sells

2025-03-11PurchaseDelek US Holdings, Inc.
EVP, Chief Financial Officer
Total: 1
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