Blue Chip Stocks

Blue-chip stocks are issued by large, stable companies that profit year after year, so investing in these companies is like having pocket aces
Financial Ratios
$282.63$34.03B$200,06611+2.84%HealthcareMedical—Healthcare Plans
$229.98$3,458.42B$000+24.02%TechnologyConsumer Electronics
$97.49$11.46B$000+8.13%Basic MaterialsChemicals—Specialty
$225.94$2,375.76B$000+26.08%Consumer CyclicalSpecialty Retail
$197.55$2,422.97B$000+17.92%Communication ServicesInternet Content & Information
$259.16$729.62B$000+8.30%Financial ServicesBanks—Diversified
$725.72$688.94B$000+18.03%HealthcareDrug Manufacturers—General
$612.77$1,546.63B$000Communication ServicesInternet Content & Information
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