Stocks Screener

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Financial Ratios
$51.97$48.77B$1B115-2.10%EnergyOil & Gas Exploration & Production
$3.07$9.25B$1B12-15.28%Consumer CyclicalAuto—Manufacturers
$142.20$11.55B$669M317+16.68%Communication ServicesEntertainment
$75.75$15.57B$552M22+9.05%Financial ServicesFinancial—Capital Markets
$31.01$3.57B$507M167-14.39%EnergyOil & Gas Refining & Marketing
$22.27$7.55B$297M112+1.98%Communication ServicesEntertainment
$18.55$3.23B$259M22HealthcareMedical—Healthcare Information Services
$21.37$6.25B$238M217-18.65%EnergyOil & Gas Exploration & Production
$33.54$5.38B$122M210EnergyOil & Gas Drilling
$22.06$39.68B$114M114-22.31%Consumer CyclicalSpecialty Retail
$8.82$3.75B$109M315-2.46%IndustrialsAerospace & Defense
$32.10$19.25B$108M23+17.49%IndustrialsAirlines, Airports & Air Services
$4.06$3.56B$101M312-4.43%EnergyOil & Gas Drilling
$77.86$18.02B$100M13+29.72%Communication ServicesInternet Content & Information
$10.90$1.96B$99M118+44.67%EnergyOil & Gas Exploration & Production
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