Engine Gaming and Media, Inc. (GAME) 

Market Cap
Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
Rank in Sector
163 of 581
Rank in Industry
2 of 11

Largest Insider Buys in Sector

GAME Stock Price History Chart

GAME Stock Performance

About Engine Gaming and Media, Inc.

Engine Gaming and Media, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the development and sale of gaming applications. The company provides e-sport or sporting event or tournament services; offers content management system, video software, mobile applications, and e-sports data platform solutions; sources, creates, and places advertising campaigns that run the company's network of publisher sites; and provides installation and website design services, as well as data analysis report delivery services. It also offers Esports platform for …

Insider Activity of Engine Gaming and Media, Inc.

Over the last 12 months, insiders at Engine Gaming and Media, Inc. have bought $20,400 and sold $0 worth of Engine Gaming and Media, Inc. stock.

On average, over the past 5 years, insiders at Engine Gaming and Media, Inc. have bought $20,400 and sold $0 worth of stock each year.

Highest buying activity among insiders over the last 12 months: Kenna Justin (CEO & Director) — $10,200. Schwartz Louis (President and Chairman) — $10,200.

The last purchase of 10,000 shares for transaction amount of $10,200 was made by Schwartz Louis (President and Chairman) on 2024‑06‑21.

List of Insider Buy and Sell Transactions, Engine Gaming and Media, Inc.

2024-06-21PurchasePresident and Chairman
2024-06-21PurchaseCEO & Director

Institutional Investor Ownership

Top Shareholders
Top Buyers
Top Sellers
New Shareholders
Sold-Out Shareholders
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