Montauk Renewables, Inc. (MNTK) 

Market Cap
Diversified Utilities
Rank in Sector
77 of 83
Rank in Industry
10 of 11

Largest Insider Buys in Sector

MNTK Stock Price History Chart

MNTK Stock Performance

About Montauk Renewables, Inc.

Montauk Renewables, Inc., a renewable energy company, engages in recovery and processing of biogas from landfills and other non-fossil fuel sources. It operates in two segments, Renewable Natural Gas and Renewable Electricity Generation. The company develops, owns, and operates renewable natural gas (RNG) projects that capture methane and prevents it from being released into the atmosphere by converting it into either RNG or electrical power for the electrical grid. Its customers for RNG and renewable identification numbers (RIN) include …

Insider Activity of Montauk Renewables, Inc.

Over the last 12 months, insiders at Montauk Renewables, Inc. have bought $0 and sold $0 worth of Montauk Renewables, Inc. stock.

On average, over the past 5 years, insiders at Montauk Renewables, Inc. have bought $0 and sold $1.98M worth of stock each year.

There was no buying activity among insiders over the last 12 months.

List of Insider Buy and Sell Transactions, Montauk Renewables, Inc.

2022-11-28SalePresident and CEO
2022-11-28SaleVP of Business Development

Institutional Investor Ownership

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Sold-Out Shareholders
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