Origin Agritech Limited (SEED) 

Market Cap
Basic Materials
Agricultural Inputs
Rank in Sector
115 of 125
Rank in Industry
12 of 12

Largest Insider Buys in Sector

SEED Stock Price History Chart

SEED Stock Performance

About Origin Agritech Limited

Origin Agritech Limited, together with its subsidiaries, operates an agricultural biotechnology and an e-commerce platform in the People's Republic of China. The company engages in crop seed breeding and genetic improvement activities. It develops, produces, and distributes hybrid crop seeds, as well as develops hybrid seed technology. The company also operates an e-commerce platform, which provides range of products, including agricultural seed products that comprise corn, rice, and vegetable seeds; other agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers and agricultural chemicals; foods; household products; and other consumer products to farmers through online and mobile ordering. It has a collaboration agreement with Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the National Maize Improvement Center, China Agricultural University, and Zhejiang University. Origin Agritech Limited was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Beijing, China.

Insider Activity of Origin Agritech Limited

Over the last 12 months, insiders at Origin Agritech Limited have bought $0 and sold $0 worth of Origin Agritech Limited stock.

On average, over the past 5 years, insiders at Origin Agritech Limited have bought $0 and sold $0 worth of stock each year.

There was no buying activity among insiders over the last 12 months.

The last purchase of 150,000 shares for transaction amount of $1.99M was made by FEINBERG JEFF (10 percent owner) on 2006‑01‑11.

List of Insider Buy and Sell Transactions, Origin Agritech Limited

2006-01-11PurchaseFEINBERG JEFF10 percent owner
2006-01-05PurchaseFEINBERG JEFF10 percent owner
2005-12-13SalePROPPER RICHARD DVP of Corporate Development

Insider Historical Profitability

FEINBERG JEFF10 percent owner
PROPPER RICHARD DVP of Corporate Development

Institutional Investor Ownership

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