Catheter Precision, Inc. (VTAK) 

Market Cap
Rank in Sector
395 of 958
Rank in Industry
50 of 120

Largest Insider Buys in Sector

VTAK Stock Price History Chart

VTAK Stock Performance

About Catheter Precision, Inc.

Catheter Precision, Inc. develops and delivers electrophysiology products to provide patients, hospitals, and physicians with technologies and solutions to improve the lives of patients with cardiac arrhythmias in the United States. The company's lead product is View into Ventricular Onset System, a non-invasive imaging system that offers 3D cardiac mapping to help with localizing the sites of origin of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias in patients with structurally normal hearts prior to EP procedures. It also provides LockeT, a suture …

Insider Activity of Catheter Precision, Inc.

Over the last 12 months, insiders at Catheter Precision, Inc. have bought $9,786 and sold $0 worth of Catheter Precision, Inc. stock.

On average, over the past 5 years, insiders at Catheter Precision, Inc. have bought $9,786 and sold $0 worth of stock each year.

Highest buying activity among insiders over the last 12 months: JENKINS DAVID A (Executive Chairman and CEO) — $9,786.

The last purchase of 9,528 shares for transaction amount of $5,694 was made by JENKINS DAVID A (Executive Chairman and CEO) on 2024‑01‑23.

List of Insider Buy and Sell Transactions, Catheter Precision, Inc.

2024-01-23PurchaseExecutive Chairman and CEO
2024-01-22PurchaseExecutive Chairman and CEO

Institutional Investor Ownership

Top Shareholders
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Top Sellers
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Sold-Out Shareholders
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